Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Osprey Men-At-Arms Book

Monday, December 29, 2008
Taken... again
But seriously, and I know most of you probably don't fall into the video game playing demographic here, but this is the most awsomest... yes, it's a word... awsomest game ever. No kidding. I almost thought about skipping the Colts game this past Sunday to keep playing. I didn't, but I THOUGHT ABOUT IT, and that's the scary part.
Anyhoo... so what you think about this new picture on the Conte site?
Thursday, December 25, 2008
The Haul
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Happy Holidays
The Cost of Business
May be a rough road ahead for awhile.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Invaded by Silver
One thing to be careful of, if you haven't already found out. The wrists on these guys are a bit fragile. I snapped off two only seconds after they had come out of the package. And one guy has a perpetually floppy shield arm.
I haven't attempted to switch arms for fear of ruining more of them, though I'm dying to try.
I wonder, none of my red ones have even thought about breaking, but the silver ones, they snapped right out of the package, and a couple more are just a twist away from permanent separation. Wonder if the color somehow affects the strength of the plastic, or if I just got really lucky with my red ones, or really unlucky with my silver ones.
Please don't let that warning stop you from buying them though. Wonderful figures, and the small breaks are nothing that a little superglue can't take care of.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
News article about Roman Battle Site
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
A glimpse into Ancient Greece
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Birthdays galore
I took a few pictures of a western scene that included a few of the newest figures and posted them to my flickr page.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Fiddlin with the decor
I'm looking forward to getting the new TSSD CW figures. Plus, I'm keeping tabs on the updates at the Hat page and their latest 1/32 previews. I haven't ordered the new Weston Cav figures yet, but if santa doesn't leave em' under my tree, I'll put in an order after Christmas.
AIP, which I don't mention very often, does have some new figures coming out. I haven't gotten anything from them since their WWI figures (which are still the mainstay for WWI collecting). But they do have some new Napoleonics coming out soon.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Restock of 21st Century
My wife told me today that she wants a train set to put around the Christmas tree!! Awesome! Should be fun... I'll make sure to get as close to 1/32 scale as I can so that I can have some fun with them too!
Lookin for a Deal?
I also put my order in for the new TSSD figures a few days ago. I reckon they should be showing up soon. I'll post some pictures when they get here, though you can see some pictures all over the TSSD site.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
21st Century @ Wal-mart, or lack thereof
I hope to be able to get to my local Super Target to see what they have. Last time I went, they had some 21st Century figures in the new colored boxes done specially for Target. I'm curious if they have added anything new.
Rock on.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Bargain Hunting on Ebay
Colts vs. Steelers
Indystar.com used a track I played guitar on with my former band Rotovox on a video that features pictures from the Colts/Steelers game. Pretty cool.
I'm not in Rotovox anymore, but they are still out there rocking. Feel free to check em' out at www.myspace.com/rotovox.
Mark WOW Vikings
Just got back from Atlanta, GA. Was at Nash Farm for a reenactment there. Hey, I thought it was always warm in Georgia!! What the deal with all that cold weather?!? Fun time though!
My awesome Aunt-in-Law picked up some Marx figures for me at a flea market. She had no idea what they were, just knew that I dug little plastic soldiers. She got me a few MPC Russians, a lone Marx German, and some hard plastic painted Marx Warriors of the World figures. There are four of them, and three of them are broken. I couldn't find my digital camera, so tried using my computer's camera, which isn't very good. But here they are:

Too bad they are busted like that. Anybody know of a place where I could get some recasts of these in unpainted soft plastic?
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Lazy Sundays
Friday, October 31, 2008
For the Michigan Guys
Thursday, October 30, 2008
New Napoleonics from Hat
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Conte Sale
I love seeing updates on the Conte site. I would love them even more if they would mention something about Plastic Persians. Or even a mention about some Greek scenic pieces.
Hopefully, Hat will post some test shots of their upcoming Persian Immortals soon. Hat is obviously not in the same style of 54mm as Conte, but that's never bothered me so much. I just mix em' all up and have a good time with em'.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The Texas Show
There are some tentative plans on the TSSD main page about the 2009 Texas Show. I don't think anything is set in stone yet, but they are looking for feedback, so let Nick know what ya think. Nick and his wife Deanna are great people, and I fully plan on being at the Texas show this year.
FYI, the Barzso website has been updated to include the new Daniel Boone playset and Fort along with the Fortefied Abbey to go with the Castle system.
My apologies for not posting so much. But it's not for lack of toy soldier interest. I will let ya know, there are probably going to be some changes and additions to this website, possibly some major ones. You just never know what I'ma gonna get into. Is that cryptic enough for ya?
Rock on, ya'll
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Imex Finally!
TSSD has an announcement up on their website about Imex finally releasing their Alamo Mexicans within the next few weeks!! Those figures have been under the "Coming Soon" heading forever it seems. My only concern is the type of plastic that will be used. If they are going to be done like the last Confederates, in a very stiff, fragile plastic, it'll be hard to justify the purchase. Hopefully they go back to the hard, but still durable plastic of their first Civil War figures.
It looks like there will be Infantry as well as Cavalry. Those of you who dig the Alamo (and I know there are a few of you), will be grateful for more Mexican poses I'm sure, especially of mounted figures.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Identity Theft
Dell caught it, but not before they actually set up the card and ran a credit score, and so on and so forth, which is a bummer, cause we were actually looking at a bank loan soon. Not sure if this will hurt our chances or not. And now we have to file police reports, sign affadavits, and check with our banks to make sure they haven't tried anything else fishy. Blah. What a bother.
Friday, October 3, 2008
For The History Guys...
Thanks for any insight!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Silver and Gold (go ahead, sing it, yes, the christmas song)
I did ask him about the Persians. He wouldn't say for sure, but as far as he knew that they were still coming in plastic, but some work was still being done on them to get them just right. Like everything I assume, future products will depend heavily on our economy and the markets.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
The Bat Cat
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Pegasus River System
Tomorrow we are adding to our little family. We are welcoming a new kitten to the fold. It should prove to be an interesting day. It's going to be spending it first couple of weeks living in my Toy Soldier room. I'm cleaning it up right now to be a bit more kitten friendly.
In Response...
Sunday, September 28, 2008
OTSN 2008 Report
TSSD was there with their fine products, including a preview of their new Civil War arty set. Plus they sold me several houses and bunker pieces, all of which my wife wants to paint up (my wife is awesome). I got to talk to Steve Weston as well. I've wanted to buy the adobe Church from him for awhile, but he didn't have one last year. He remembered me and brought one this year, which I snatched right up. It's just a stellar piece that will fit in well with all the Barzso adobe pieces.
And of course, I had to cruise by the Hobby Bunker booth... several times. They were really hoppin'. They had some great new foam pieces which were calling to me. You can see pictures of one of them here.
Meh, it's late, and I'd rather be playing with my stuff that typing. So more tomorrow.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
More Exciting News from OTSN
I'm scrounging up all the loose change I can find for Sunday. I emptied out and counted up my change bucket for an extra $90. Not quite enough for a full playset, but enough to get me in trouble.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
New Barzso Playset
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Spooky Town Mountain... err.. hill
I picked this Spooky Town piece up at Michael's the other day. It was 50% off of a regular $30. Not bad. It's a fairly large piece. I'm able to fit quite a few figures on top and even some cannon. Not sure when they will go back on sale, but like I said in a previous post, you can get Michael's to send you some coupons, or you might be able to find some in your Sunday paper... if you read newspapers.
New TSSD Playset
The Pegasus scenic pieces are definitely going to be on my radar this Sunday in Chicago. I've thought it looked good ever since it was first shown. The river looks especially cool. I'm also interested in the Barzso painted river sections. The Barzso pieces are a little pricier, but knowing past Barzso product, they are going to be top notch.
Look forward to seeing and talking to folks at the show this Sunday. You'll recognize me cause I'll be with the hot chick (my wife).
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Countdown to OTSN 08
Anyway, what's really got me interested are the Barzso and Replicants playsets. I'll also be excited to see any new foam products from Hobby Bunker and TSSD.
Oh, and just so you don't think I'm nuts, my last post was made while showing my dad how easy it is to use Blogger software. He was setting one up for his Civil War unit.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Various tib bits
2. A new Replicants playset eh? I'll be honest... I have not a single Replicant in my collection. NO WAIT!!!! I have some of the American Civil War union and Confederate. I picked them up last year at OTSN for cheap. I'm intrigued as to what the new playset will be. The price, according to some postings at Hobby Bunker will be $140. Not bad for a playset. Hope they have some left on Sunday when I get there.
3. My local walmart finally got in one of the 21st Century playsets that include the Long Tom and figures. Might have to pick up one.
4. Of no interest to anyone but me probably... The new Star Wars: The Force Unleashed video game is released today. I've got mine on order from Amazon.com. There goes another $50 I was saving for OTSN.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
21st Century at Target
Still working out my OTSN plans. Looks like I'll be there for just the Sunday show. It's too bad that Mr. Conte won't be able to be there. I'm sure there are a lot of people wanting to know when the plastic Persians will be available, myself included. As always, I'm probably most looking forward to whatever Ron Barzso brings. Whether it be a new playset, or just some pieces parts, it's all good.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The Arrival
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Waiting for Spartans
But a little confusion in shipping addresses won't delay them too long I hope. The folks at Conte were very helpful and have gotten it taken care of. My table should be full of Spartans before no time.
Hey, has anybody heard any news on 21st Century. Wal-Mart seems to be going through a renovation in it's toy department, and I hope 21st Century still has a place once they are all done. After buying several pieces at a steep discount, it makes me worry. Hopefully they are just making room for the christmas season.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Wal-Mart Clearance on 21st Century
Monday, August 11, 2008
Conte Spartans Shipping
Has anybody else ever had water damage? Right now we are running industrial sized fans. Very loud, but, if it keeps mold from setting in, I can live with it.
Rock on!
21C German Tank Destroyer at Wal-Mart
They also had, and this may not interest most of you, the new G.I. Joe figure sets packaged with DVDs of the original cartoons. I always loved those Cartoons, and they are not currently available to purchase. Rhino used to have the rights, and released a season and a half, but then sold the rights to Sony, who have not released anything. You can buy those original Rhino DVDs, but they usually cost an arm and a leg.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
We're taking on water!!!
I got some comments ( I LOVE getting comments) about the Hat figures being undersized. Don't know myself, haven't seen them, but that was always a fear. And one has to take into account, are they undersized compared to Conte and TSSD, or undersized compared to Marx and Airfix? If they are more akin to ESCI, that will be tough to swallow, though I could probably get over it. I've never had too much trouble mixing styles and sizes. And yet, there are small people, and larger people, but when it comes to standards, like helmets, rifles, ect. ect., there needs to be a concerted effort amongst companies to make everything jive.
Monday, August 4, 2008
More Hat 1/32
I think I have checked the Conte website everyday waiting for more word about the plastic Spartans. Waiting truly is one of the most exciting things about this hobby. Once they actually arrive, and have been torn out of the packaging and neatly aligned on the shelf, the only thing left is to allow them to collect dust, occasionally getting them down off the shelf to examine, play with, or show a bewildered friend the extent of your madness. It's all part of this "collecting" disease we suffer from. The wanting is often a more powerful emotion than the joy you get from actually having something. I wonder if everyone is like this, or if I live in a mad little world all of my own. Don't worry, it doesn't keep me up at night. The only thing that keeps me up at night is my cat. She bites my fingers. At least she doesn't lick my eye lids, like she does to Stephanie.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Keeping an eye on Ebay
1. A huge Ben Hur playset, being sold with lots of extras along with the Conte Roman ship.
2. Captain Gallant Playset.
3. Alaskan Trading Post Playset
4. Barzso Aztecs and Conquistadors Playset
The Latest Catches
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Wal-Mart moved my Cheese
I got panicky for a moment. Changing my little Wal-Mart routine troubled me more than I realized it could. For years I have walked into that Wal-Mart entrance, turned right, passed the Ovaltine display, turned back left, turned right at the Hot Wheels and travelled to the 21st Century section, and from there rounded the corner to find the Star Wars figures. It was habit, it was routine, it was almost ritual.
Of course, I did find the new toy section a few minutes later, and the hyperventilating ceased. They have actually upgraded the new toy section and it's going to be really nice once they are all done. Nothing new in the 21st Century section, but let's just be thankful they are still there.
The Dark Knight
I give it a 10 out of 10. For me, it lived up to the surrounding hype. I don't want to talk too much about it, lest I give away something to those of you who haven't seen it yet. The one thing I will say is that when it says PG-13, it means PG-13! I'm not sure I would take any kid under 16 to see this movie. My wife and I disagreed on this, but I felt it was one of the darkest movies I had seen in awhile. Of course there was no profanity or graphic violence, but there was a copious amount of implied graphic violence.
Can't wait for the sequel.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
2 New Somethings from Weston Toys
Updates to Hat Greeks
It's crazy how the year has sped by, and again, OTSN is creeping up on us. Usually at OTSN, we get all sorts of cool new things. Ron Barzso usually has something new, TSSD always has cool stuff, if not a new figure set, and Mr. Conte usually pulls a few surprises out of a bag as well. Plus, last year he was having some crazy sale prices on plastic. It's only two months away. I still haven't convinced myself that I'm going. If I go, it can only be for Sunday because of a wedding. The most fun is to be had during the days and evenings running up to it. I always like talking to the dealers, fellow forum boarders, and random people that I meet while digging through 50 cent buckets.
So yea, I'll probably go.
Friday, July 18, 2008
30 seconds of your life you'll never get back.
Almost as big as Mice
Though lacking tails
And carry less Lice
Toy Soldiers are the Best
Our own little plastic Fest
I buy all I can Afford
And wish I had the Rest
Sometimes I have too much Time
So, so much Time
to write bad toy soldier Poetry
that actually does Rhyme
*written whilst VERY tired, but stuck at a library lock-in. I'll probably delete this entry in the morning, or whenever I finally wake up.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
War Torn Worlds
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Indiana Jones in 1/32
These are part of the Titanium series, and come fully painted. Right now, the one pictured and the "Mutt" figure on the motorcycle are the only ones in roughly 54mm scale. You can see the entire line here at the Hasbro site. You 1/72 guys might find something you need. Hopefully they will release something similar featuring some Germans.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Hat Forum talks about 1/32
Thursday, July 10, 2008
We Never Get Tired of ACW
Sooooo...., I think it's a smart move for Conte to bring out a new Civil War line. They have the beginnings of it posted on their blog, and might I say that Zouaves are cool! If they can do for Zouaves what they have done for American G.I.s and their soon to be released Spartans, that'll be great for us ACW collectors. WARNING: 4 Zouave poses don't help anybody. Zouaves fought as entire regiments, not as single troopers in a line of regular sack coated soldiers. I know it'll be more expensive, but I am a fan of really doing a series up right rather than piece parting it.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Back from Gettysburg
The Reenactment was... meh. Of course, we were already exhausted from camping for the previous five days, so three more nights of camping just drained us more. We were like zombies walking around the event. I barely remember much of it. There was a battle, a funnel cake, some ticks, a whole lot of spiders, a frock coat that caught on fire, and several cans of spam.
I did get to visit Gettysburg Miniatures Soldiers. It's a nice toy soldier shop right on the strip that had all sorts of cool stuff. I picked up a set of CTS Japanese, and some reverse colored Conte Civil War figures. If you're ever in Gettysburg, you should stop by.
So now it's time to clean up all my gear, get unpacked from the trip, catch up on any toy soldier news I might of missed out on, and to generally take it easy for the rest of the day. Rock on.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
I never thought 300 was that many...
You can check out the latest details on the Conte Spartans here. Looks like the date has been pushed back to August, and the price has been set at $24 per blister pack. And right now, you can only pre-order all nine cards (the freebie being a free 10th card). Also, if you have them on pre-order, they want you to make sure you confirm that order with them so they can charge a $30 deposit. Hmmmm.... never paid an upfront deposit for Toy Soldiers before, but hey, times they are a changin'.
The prices are high, the wait has been long, and buying all 9 cards at once is tough. If it were any other subject matter besides Spartans, I'd probably have balked by now. Well, that's not totally true. This just happens to be one historical era where I'll slap down the cash and only cringe on the inside. But when you consider that they are poseable, and the high quality of the figures, it all evens out in the end I think.
Of course, if you can't wait for the August release date, you can always get a couple on Ebay.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Sprucing up the Spruces
See, I usually pick us this junk right before or after christmas when they have 70% markdowns. They are usually trying to give this stuff away. You can get a tree for a buck, a full rock wall for $1.50, and all sorts of cool little knick knacks for next to nothing. But when it ain't on sale, you can expect to pay $20 for a pack of four trees, or $18 for a rock wall. Youch. No thanks. I'll wait till the holidays to spruce up my spruce collection.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
A Rather Unique Subject
I was wrong. Now, I can't say for sure which "sacred band" they are referring to. There were several. Both Thebes and Carthage had one, along with more modern day Greeks. I'm assuming they are doing the Thebes "Sacred Band", since it has a bit more flashy history to it.
I hope I don't step on anybody's morality toes here, but I think Hat just went to the top of my list by doing this set. Quite frankly, homosexuality is still rather taboo in a lot of places. To create a set of figures that depicts a group of homosexual warriors is very forward thinking. This was a group of fighters that, when outnumbered, bested the warriors of Sparta at the battles of both Tegyra and Leuctra. Regardless of your moral stance, of which I have no concern, Hat's dedication to the truth of history proves that we are lucky to have them doing 1/32 again. Plus, it's going to be nice to have another army to throw against the new Conte Spartans.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Gettysburg Trip
I got some Conte pewter figures yesterday in the mail. They really are astounding and make for wonderful centerpieces for displays. The exact figures I got were the Confederate and Union flagbearers, and the trio of falling Union figures. I think I'm gonna go back and get some cannon and the two mounted figures, and maybe even some non-civil war poses. The one thing I worry about with them is that they are, to a certain degree, fragile. The flag poles and the bayonet tips, if bent on accident, feel like they could break off.
Also on my "to buy" list is the new scenics from Pegasus. The fences, stone walls, wooden boxes, and the River sections look awesome. I think I'll start with those.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
21st Century British
In other, less interesting news, I saw a bagged set of Wall-E plastic toys at a Kay-Bee toy store the other day. Might be a nice supplement if you're ever doing a sci-fi setup of any kind. You can see a picture of the Bag-o-Bots at Amazon.com.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Single Color Pewter Conte Available
Rock on.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Toy Soldiers or Pants.... decisions, decisions.
I know that it's just getting harder and harder for companies to keep producing Toy Soldiers. With the dollar failing, shipping charges going up, and plastic prices probably on the rise... it's amazing that the price of this hobby hasn't skyrocketed, and it may yet. And the real kick of it is, now is the time that these companies need our support the most, but yet we have fewer hobby dollars in our pocket. What a bummer.
On a brighter note, Conte has set an approximate date of July 4th for their plastic Spartans. I'll be in Gettysburg that whole week, so hopefully by the time I get back, they'll be waiting on my doorstep.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Hat Greeks
Of all the companies, I appreciate Hat's willingness to allow us a glimpse into the pre-production and production stages of their figures. Many other companies keep everything very hush-hush, and probably for very good reasons. Maybe it's because Hat knows they are playing in such unique historical areas, that they don't feel the need for the secrecy drapes. Whatever the reason, I think it's cool to get an inside look.
Rock on.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Size Matters
Rock on.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Pulling a Spartan out of your Hat
Speaking of Persians, has anybody heard whether Conte is planning on doing the poseable thing wth the Persians. I hadn't really thought about it, but I assume they would... but haven't heard anything. I'd imagine that the costs are very high to produce the poseable figures, and you would have to wonder if the Persians will sell nearly as well as the Spartans will.
Ok, lets see... a little fanciful math for ya... say you wanted 300 Conte Spartans. With 7 Spartans per card, at let's say $23 per card, thats $989. And, according to my woefully misguided logic, you will now need twice as many Persians as you need Spartans. That's 600 Immortals. $989 times 2 equals $1,978. Add in what you paid for those Spartans, and you have a grand total of $2,967. This does not include the 4 proposed terrain pieces to be released later in 2008. Hmmm... Time to start finding a second job.
Now, before anyone gets too concerned about my mental status, I WILL NOT be buying 300 Spartans, nor will I need 600 Persians. One of each card will suffice most likely. But having Hat throw their... erm... hat into the ring will add to the possibilities, as long as size difference isn't too much of an issue.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
TSSD, Pegasus, and Black Cat
The Germans: What can I say about them that isn't obvious. Their sculptor is spot on with dynamic poses, uniform, and weaponry. The set includes an MG42 team, a sniper, a couple mounted figures, a panzerfaust, and an mp40 figure. The MG42 even has a ammo belt that slides into the gun and is supported by the second figure. This set fits in well with all existing German sets and fills in some holes, especially with the mounted figures.
The Pegasus Russians: Very innovative. For only $15, you get 12 poses, with no duplicates. In my book, that's like the best deal ever. There is a bit of assembly required, mostly glueing on arms, weapons, and heads, but it only took me a few minutes. Had to straighten out a few of the pieces, but a little boiling water did the trick. Very awesome set! If you do any Eastern Front setups, this is a must have.
Black Cat Russians: I'm not way into Napoleonics right now, but this is such a nice looking set, that I wanted it just to show off. The sculpting is on size with the likes of Conte and TSSD. The figurse are full, and with their packs and weapony, look rightfully bulky. The poses are perfect and natural looking. My favorite thing about them is the type of plastic used. It's very pliable, and came out of the bag bent all over the place, but a little boiling water fixed everything. The figures are durable with no chance of breakage, and that is always a big plus. They remind me of TSSD figures in that regard.
Still waiting for the Conte Spartans to be released, but these three sets should keep me busy till they arrive. This package was sort of to get me through not being able to go to the Texas Show this weekend. I really thought we might make it down, but as is so often the case, things come up where you can't get away.
Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend and enjoys their Decoration / Memorial Day.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
New Spartan Scenics from Conte
Ancients on the other hand.... Something like the Spartan Phalanx, you need a bunch of figures to make it look right. And Persians.... You're going to need boatloads of them. Heck, I'll probably chuck in some ancients from other companies just to round out the army. So, if Conte does decide to do a playset for the 300 Spartans, you can count me in. This is one theme where I say bring it on.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
New Pictures at TSSD
New Scenic Pieces
Pegasus Hobbies is also offering some new pieces, and for really nice prices too. Fences, rock walls, another modular river set, sandbags, oil drums, boxes, crates... everything a good battleground needs. You can see them at the TSSD website (scroll down a bit past the new figures.)
Right now I've got my pre-order in for the new TSSD Germans, along with a few other items I missed including the Blackcat Napoleonics, and the Pegasus Russians. I've also got my pre-order in with Conte for a full set of the Scarlet colored Spartans. Hopefully they don't all become available at the same time. My checking account would never forgive me. And dangit, don't ya know that the ole' federal government would direct deposit that stimulus package into my wife's account!!
Speaking of the new TSSD Germans, I'm still waiting to see some good pictures of them. There is a post over at the Hobby Bunker forums that talks about the different poses, but more pictures besides the sniper have yet to be posted. But how can you not expect that the whole set is going to rock? The sculpting done by TSSD's sculptor is always awesome.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
A House Divided
Aztec Conversion
Barack Obama Stopped By Today
But seriously... those cows could have really hurt somebody.
I have no secrets about my own political views. As the great author Douglas Adams wrote:
"It is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it... anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job."
Friday, May 2, 2008
Something besides WWII & Civil War
Weekends and Projects
I have the day off today, and I'm spending it reorganizing my room, which we finally finished last night. All the walls painted, shelves hung, and now comes the daunting task of reorganizing my collection. Right now I just have mounds and mounds of plastic sitting in little piles around my room.
Oh, I also put my pre-order in with Conte yesterday for the plastic Spartans. Now it's just the long wait till they actually show up and start shipping.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Here, take my wallet.
I wrote a post awhile back trying to figure out if these were too much like Action Figures. My fear was, are poseable toy soldiers, still toy soldiers? And if they are, will they still fall within my realm of collecting? It was a long winded post, and probably didn't make much sesnse to anyone but me. But forget all that. Plastic Spartans... bring em' on.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
And I'll have some updated pictures of my room sometime soon. All the wallpaper is gone!! Three walls are painted and complete. Only one wall remains. Then I can put my colllection back in order.
Off to check the Internet for any news on toy soldiers, that's if my eyes don't give out first.
Monday, April 21, 2008
On The Horizon...
I keep checking the Conte website, but nothing has been posted recently about the plastic Spartans. The site has been focused on the new Zulu range, which I assume will be done in metal. I'll just have to settle for watching 300 again to get my Spartan fix.
Still haven't seen the new 21st Century American Arty or Chinese figures at my Wal-Mart yet, and they are usually right on top of things. They have a TON of the 1/18th sized Platoon figures. When I was a kid, I loved my G.I. Joe figures, and still have most of them. I always wanted actual historical soldier figures made, and now they finally are, but I just can't get interested in them. I'm sure it's my problem, and not the figures, because they are pretty cool, just not within my collecting parameters.
I'm also looking forward to the Weston Mexican Bandits. I liked their cowboys a lot, and coupled with the Barzso Fortified Hacienda set, it makes for a pretty good Old West Shootout. Now I just need those Mexican Bandits to spice things up.
If my postings are few and far between for the next few days, it's because I'm going in for surgery on Wednesday (nothing serious). Also, my home Internet is down... its an intriguing story involving a lovely lady and her garden tiller... but it's cool. Because of the surgery, I'll be worthless for a few days anyway, so having Internet wouldn't be helpful, so of all times for it to go down, this is the perfect time.
Friday, April 18, 2008
The Shelves Go Up!
While emptying out some drawers that I haven't opened up for a couple of years, I stumbled upon my Gummi Army Men. It's crazy what you feel the need to keep around.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
One wall is almost done
And thanks for the tip about the wall steamer. Saved me HOURS!!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Home Improvement / Manny the Dog
And on a different note, you may remember my dog Manny. Well, instead of him chewing on something, this time something chewed on him. Yesterday, an unleashed Rottweiler got ahold of him. My wife, being the loving dog mother that she is, actually wrestled the Rottweiler until it let go of Manny, but not before it added a few new holes too him. We took him to the Pet Emergency Center and they put a staple in his side. He's doing pretty good right now, being doped up on Pain meds, and pretty much sleeping the day away. But it was a close call!! Don't underestimate the tenacity of a Poodle or the craziness of a dog lover (thankfully the Rottweiler didn't turn on her!!!).
Friday, April 11, 2008
21st Century, Bringin' it
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
The Barzso Inn
Monday, March 31, 2008
Creating the WORST figure ever
1. Claim they are 1/32, but make sure they are way too small or way to big to be used with other figures.
2. Make sure that they are packaged using those plasticy wire wraps that Forces of Valor uses, making it impossible to get them out of the box. Man, everybody loves those.
3. If the army wore Red uniforms, make sure you only offer them in Blue.
4. Make sure at least one figure in the set is not capable of standing on it's own.
5. All pistols should be sculpted to look like bananas.
6. Gumby cartoons should be your standard anatomy reference.
7. Each set should contain 1 shooter, and 5 mine sweepers.
8. Make sure to choose a really popular topic, such as the Guelph-Ghibelline War.
9. Give all your figures smiles.
10. People should have to ask "is that a spyglass, or a rifle?"
Can ya think of anymore?
Indy Show, New Barzso stuff, and.... Schleich Smurfs
My purchases included the new Inn that Ron Barzso brought with him, the smaller townhouse that goes with the castle, and a couple sets of his Civil War casualty figures. I also picked up a Plastic Underground figure, who belongs in the Alamo, but will probably find himself in Confederate ranks.
One new piece that really caught my eye was the Barzso river. They had some all painted up and set up with their castle display. Rivers have always been hard to do for non-diorama builders like myself, and these would really help a guy out. They sell unpainted for $20, and you can buy a couple different types to make any shaped river you need. It beats using a strip of old blue material that you stole out of your wife's sewing basket.
I'll try to post some pictures of the Barzso Inn either tonight or tomorrow. It really is a nice looking piece, and would work great in all sorts of European settings. It matches the style of the castle townhouse.
Rule #1 for toy soldier shows: If you see something that you want, and it only costs $1, I don't care what it is, GET IT. It WILL NOT be there when you go back.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Sales and New 21st Century
Looks like we'll be having some new 21st Century Allied crewmen available before too long. I never did get the Long Tom or the Howitzer, but not for lack of wanting. I've really enjoyed 21st Century's latest infantry figures, being able to buy them in the three packs. It's kind of fun seeing all the different packs hanging on the pegs. I just wish they had a more varied selection at any given time.
I still haven't seen the 21st Century Chinese figures anywhere yet. Could it be possible that there wasn't enough interest shown, and they may never see the light of day? Now, I ain't saying I wouldn't have bought them, because I would have, or should I say, I will when they are released. But I can't imagine many people chompin' at the bit to start their Chinese Army collection. I think I've said it before, I love the fact that 21st Century is willing to do something outside of the box. I wish they could do more unique subjects. I guess that's why I'm not the CEO of a some major toy company.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
New Italeri Available
I've only bought figure sets in the past from Italeri, usually priced anywhere from $16 to $22 per box. I was hoping this set would be similar. I wonder if it is because this set has the model of the gun, or if it is due to the rising cost to produce these figures and import them into the states? The nice thing about these sets is that they are unique, and new crewmen poses are always needed.
In cases like this, I'd love to be able to purchase just the crewmen without the guns, but, I doubt Italeri will give me that chance.
Monday, March 24, 2008
I'm Cheap
How much is a toy soldier worth to you? Lot's of factors go into that. Here's a few that I look at when deciding whether to purchase something new.
1. Is it cool? All right, very subjective, as we all have a different definition of cool. I guess you can simply ask, does this bring that feeling of "I've GOT to have this, or I'm gonna blow a gasket!". If it does, then it's cool. The McFarlane figures had the cool factor in spades.
2. Does it fit with my collection? Not everything does. And when something doesn't, is it worth starting something new so that you can add this one piece? The McFarlane figures don't fit with what I do. They are painted, just a touch big, and modern.
3. Will it go up in value? Ah, the speculative part of our hobby. I'll be the first to admit, this isn't something I think about too often. Every once in a while I'll take it into consideration, but most of the time, it's a toy first, and a collectible second. In fact, sometimes if it is obviously a collectible, it takes away from the fun of it. You might feel bad if you were playing with it and you accidently caught it on fire.... hey, it happens.
4. Is it too expensive? Too often, the over-riding factor. Even if it passes the other three tests with flying colors, it might just be too much to swallow. In the case of the McFarlane toys, this is a big factor. Now, I can afford to shell out $5 here and there, but a whole set of these figures would get pricey, and what would I have to show for it. Two handfuls of figures that don't go with anything I already have.
So there you have it. That is how my subconscious played out while I was standing in the Toys R' Us toy aisle. My thrifty ways won out. But.... I read on the Groundpounders forum that there might be some McFarlane WWII figures on the way. Whole different story there....
Friday, March 21, 2008
McFarlane 3 inch figures
I saw a ROCKIN' Forces of Valor tank at my local Meijer. I'm gonna snag it tonight. I'm not actually in love with the tank... I've got tanks, but it has a couple German figures that I want. So, I'll probably be spending $20 on a couple of figures and a tank that I'll never use. Yay me for attempting to stimulate the economy.
And how about some of the most horrible news you've ever heard. I CAN'T GO TO THE CHICAGO SHOW THIS YEAR!...... blarg. My wife's "not really her cousin, but she calls her a cousin anyway" is getting married that Saturday. See, I could run up there Saturday night, but by then, most of the dealers are looking to get ready for Sunday... and everybody knows the best times are had on days running up to the show... so is it worth it to only go for Saturday evening and the Sunday show? I mean, yeah, it is, but that's a long drive to miss out on the best parts of the show. This morning I was concocting a plan to somehow hire a body double to act like me, and go to the wedding in my place. I'd make sure it was someone who was just as socially impaired as I am, and who danced as poorly as I do... yes, yes. It's all coming together now. I'll make it to Chicago yet!!!
shameless plug for my band: We are now available on iTunes and from Indiana Best Buy stores. "Extraordinary how potent cheap music is."
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Formtech Website
Formtech's stuff is really great. Hey, I've tried getting out the styrofoam cutter, and making a building from the TV packaging. It ain't easy, plus the fumes are enough to run your wife right out of the house!! So for now on, I let the pros do it.